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Top 10 Workouts To Do


There are so many different ways to workout and different workouts to do. You have lifting, running, calisthenics, swimming, biking, etc. I'm a huge fan of working out in all sorts of different ways. Working out is great for you mentally and physically. Working out can suck in the moment but it makes you feel a great feeling of accomplishment when you finish. Workouts are something that everybody should do multiple times a week. There is ways to mix workouts up and have fun while doing it. Workout has helped changed my life for the better and I try to reccomend it to almost anybody I talk to. Some people say they don't have time for it but there is always time for it. It doesn't take long to get a little workout in and get a little sweat. You can get a killer workout in 10 minutes. There are cheap gym memberships to buy and if you don't want to buy one you can do calisthenics for free at the house or at a local park. You can go outside to run if you want to get into shape. Working out can add years to your life, who doesn't want to live a healthier life. It was hard trying to narrow this list down to only 10 workouts but I have to for the sake of the assignment. I am going to list my personal favorite top 10 workouts here and try to do it in the order of my favorite to tenth favorite.

  1. Bench press: bench press is staple for most people that workout. Bench works your chest, shoulder, and triceps mainly. There is many different ways to do bench press. You can do heavy weight with low reps to build strength or you can do lighter weight for more reps which will help you more with size. I like to mix it up with my reps and sets. Awesome workout for a great chest pump.

  2. Power Clean: Power Clean is a great workout to build explosive strength. It is a fun full body workout that will push you mentally and physically. Power Clean is big in sports like football. It trains fast twitch muscles in a great way.

  3. Running: Running is a great cardiovascular workout. There is a thing called "runners high" and it's an amazing feeling you get after accomplishing a good run. Runs will be very hard on you mentally because you get so tired. Running is one of the most universally popular workouts out there.

  4. Kettle Bell Swings: Kettle Bell swings is a great full body workout. Kettle Bell workouts are used a lot by mma fighters because you can train cardiovascular. Kettle bell swings are a swings between your legs with the kettle bell.

  5. Boxing: Boxing is a great way to learn self defense and get a nice sweat. The cardiovascular part of a boxing workout will be super intense. I love going to the gym and hitting the heavy bag. I enjoy a boxing workout before I start my lift.

  6. Back Squat: Back squat is one of the hardest workouts you can do. It's one of the hardest things to do in the weight room is to have a bunch of weight on that barbell and put it on your back and try to squat it. You have to prepare yourself mentally to be able to put your best effort out there. You can get a pretty nasty leg pump from back squats as well. It will shock your entire central nervous system to do heavy back squats.

  7. Stairmaster: Stairmaster is one of the hardest workouts you can do. You will get super tired and also get a killer leg pump. It is one the most challenging workouts that I do on a consistent basis. The stair master is a super popular workout and there is a stair master in almost any commercial gym you go to. The stair master is one of the most universally respected workouts to do.

  8. Basketball: Basketball is one of the best ways to stay in shape. Basketball is a cool way to do cardio because you can get a great workout in and have some fun while doing it. Basketball can help improve your quickness and vertical jump if you play enough. Basketball is a great workout to go and do with your friends.

  9. Planks: Planks are a great workout to do for core strength workout to do. It is very hard to do mentally but it pays off when you finish it. Planks are one of the most rewarding workouts you can do because you can't speed it up, you set a time to do and you finish it.

  10. Curls: Curls are one of the most popular workouts across the world. For men curls are a workout that is done by almost every man that works out. Getting a nice bicep pump is awesome. Biceps are a muscle that look great when they are big and cut up.


1 Comment

Jen England
Jen England
Nov 15, 2023

People don't mention kettlebells enough! They're good for cardiovascular and strength training, plus honestly they're just fun to swing around 😄


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a blog collective by ENGL 315 at New Mexico State University

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