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Bad Nights or Insomnia?

michelle lópez
How long does it take you to sleep? Are you the kind to fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow or do you find yourself yearning for sleep? Unfortunately, not being able to get a full nights sleep is a common problem. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news by most adults need anywhere from 6-10 hours of sleep every day, depending on what category you fall under, you still need a good amount of sleep every day. Not getting enough of sleep can actually be caused by a number of things including stress, a health condition, medication, poor sleeping environment, bedroom that's too noisy, too hot, too cold, and a number of other factors. So... are you one of the ones not getting enough sleep? Well I'm here to help. Let's dive into some remedies that will help put the beauty in your beauty sleep.

1. Drink Up ☕️

No, not alcohol (unfortunately). Johns Hopkins Medicine reports that although alcohol may not help with sleeping (although I think that could be a matter of opinion), other drinks like warm milk, chamomile tea and tart cherry juice will help. DISCLAIMER: although there may be no scientific proof that any of these drinks can help improve your sleeping habits, it doesn't hurt to try, unless you're allergic in which case please do not try this at home.

2. Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

Evidentially, exercise has other benefits than just being in shape. According to HEALTHLINE, exercise can help enhance your mood, give you more energy AND help promote better sleep (😴). In a study that was done in 2015, participants exercised for at least 150 minutes per week for the duration of six months and during this time it was found that they experienced significantly fewer of insomnia. So, if you want to see a difference in your sleeping habits, you would need to exercise for at least 20 minutes per day. .

3. Melatonin 💊

Now, I can understand if you were hesitant about this one since it is a hormone that your brain produces in response to darkness, so wouldn't taking more alter your brain chemistry? Well, rest-assured taking melatonin is perfectly safe. Mayo Clinic reports that it is generally safe. However, evidence suggests that melatonin supplements promote sleep and are safe for short-term use.

Melatonin can be used to treat delayed sleep phase and circadian rhythm sleep disorders in the blind and provide some insomnia relief. Treat melatonin as you would any sleeping pill and use it under your doctor's supervision.

4. Keep it cool 🥶

This one might be a bit surprising but keeping your room cool helps with sleeping. iSense confirmed that multiple credible sources have shown that people that slept in a cold room enjoyed better quality sleep as opposed to the ones sleeping in a warm room. Additionally, sleeping in a cold room, and having it dark has many health benefits to your body.

5. Reduce Noise

The Sleeping Foundation stated that getting sufficient undisturbed sleep is critical for feeling good and performing well. Noise does have a major impact on our sleep. Exposure to to much noise does have immediate effects while sleeping. If you can't eliminate noise, consider drowning it out with a fan or white noise machine.

6. Mind Your Diet 🥦

Better eating habits can help produce better sleeping habits. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) expressed that diets low in fiber and high in saturated fat may decrease the amount of deep, restorative sleep. Excess sugar can cause you to awaken more frequently. Consuming certain foods and beverages close to bedtime can also lead to poor sleep. Some foods to avoid are fatty or high-protein, spicy, caffeine and alcohol.

7. Take a Warm Bath 🛀

Researchers (according to NIH) suggests a warm bath or shower an hour or two before bedtime can help you unwind and fall asleep faster. Why? It will help lower your core temperature, and that's a circadian sleep signal.

8. Meditation 😮‍💨

For years, people have practiced meditation regularly for spiritual awakening but as it turns out that isn't the only benefit. Studies have shown that it helps deepen sleep even in those who do not have sleep issues. And the best part is that it's FREE✨ Check out Bohdi Meditation for meditation 101 for beginners.

9. Massage 💆‍♀️

Did you know a massage can help with sleep. Well, now you do! Sleepopolis suggests a Swedish massage. "To promote sleep specifically, Testa recommends Swedish massage. This form of massage therapy is known for its relaxation benefits. Scalp and facial massages may be beneficial for stress and tension relief, too."

10. Lavender Oil🪻

Lavender has different benefits and among them is ZZZZZZZZ ❣

Sleep Doctor reports that Lavender works as an anxiolytic (an anxiety reliever) and as a sedative, to increase relaxation and calm, and help bring about sleep.


SLEEP IS IMPORTANT. Make sure you're getting rest and if you're having trouble, try these suggestions. Your beauty depends on it 💐


Emalie Hames
Emalie Hames
Nov 18, 2023

I struggle a-lot with sleep, I am sure part of the problem is the rancid on campus mattresses though lol. I normally make it freezing and cuddle up to get mega comfy. I think for the future I will try to take into consideration some of these tips!!


Nov 17, 2023

Awesome article that I think every should read. Sleep is a major part in everyone's life and I feel like a lot of people don't take it as serious as they should. Thought some of the point to help sleep were gret too especially keeping the room cold.


Jorge Fonseca
Jorge Fonseca
Nov 15, 2023

Yes, thank you so much for this information! Just what I needed since I have really bad sleeping habits. I got surprised on how important diet and exercise is to get a good sleeping schedule. For me at least, this reduction of noise is good for me to at least enter into the sleeping beauty mode.


Jen England
Jen England
Nov 15, 2023

I swear by sleeping in a cool room/environment! I toss and turn less, wake up less often, and just get better sleep overall when I'm not too hot/sweaty/miserable.


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a blog collective by ENGL 315 at New Mexico State University

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