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Top 10 music genres that will help you go through FINALS WEEK

Jorge Fonseca

I have been waiting to talk about this for a long time now. School is stressful for most students, and everyone is going to extreme stress now that the FINALS WEEK is slowly approaching. So what better way to go through these annoying times in every student's life than music? In recent years I have discovered a beautiful panorama and communities surrounding these music genres thanks to livestreams or ''radios'' on YouTube. It's great to see thousands of students in the same situation as me, just trying to enjoy music while doing homework. Now these 10 musical genres are my top pick and what I would like to recommend to you today for the next weeks to come. You may listen to pop, rock, or reggaeton.

Still, these genres' main purpose is to provide stress relief for anyone having a hard time stressing out for a random final assignment from that random class that one chooses to fill up time and get some ''easy'' college credits (like me).

10: Darksynth

This may not be the cup of tea for some folk around here. This type of synth genre differs from the normal synthwave genre and takes its turn by adding emotion, and deep notes while adding fast tempo to some songs. This genre is known for being active, so much so that every time I am listening to it, it feels like I am against the final boss from a very difficult game (a PowerPoint Presentation due at midnight). According to VICE, the process known as ''emotional regulation'', it's hard to explain, but it's that moment of listening to music that one may not need or like, but it's inevitable for them to listen to. For me, dark synth has helped me go through difficult times in life and it does help my emotions flow through the dark tone of some songs.

  • Emotional

  • Helps to go through sadness or rage

  • Enhanced focus

09: Instrumental Indie House

In the last entry, we talked about a genre that may help you go through a hard time or emotional situation. But, what if you need an instant lift-up? Something positive for stress relief that can help to reduce anxiety as well? An article by describes that some of the benefits of indie music are exactly that and also can help you retain memories. So if you need to make some memorization for an upcoming test, try some Instrumental Indie House. One will not only find themselves memorizing complex terms but also dancing (that happens to me every time I am listening to this genre).

  • Brings up a positive mood

  • Perfect for an active environment

  • Stress reliever

08: Smooth Jazz

Let's relax and put in some slow tempo. I love listening to smooth jazz, especially when I just want to look out my window with my bad homemade coffee on a winter break evening. Listening to this genre can be so cozy that one can fall asleep; it's that relaxing! So I may not recommend it when studying for a test, but this may be perfect for instant stress relief. Also, has stated it can serve as a medicine for headaches, and even go as far as to boost the immune system (I guess that's why I don't get sick during winter breaks). So yes, arguably speaking Jazz is simply perfect for getting good mental health.

  • Gives a boost to the immune system

  • Headache reliever

  • Anxiety reliever

07: Vaporwave

Okay, you don't want to relax that much but rather get into a nostalgia trip while also grabbing fresh ideas. I commonly listen to Vapowave to make this type of posts and assignments where creativity has to be skyscraper levels. A deep dive by Jeremy Cummings for Medium recognizes the impact that vaporware has had on an architectural landscape. For once, Cummings expresses how this genre has redefined what can be done in music by not necessarily changing anything drastic but by carefully increasing tones reminiscent of sounds from the Internet beginnings. He also discussed the idea of preserving something from the past but applying it in new forms while keeping that original perspective. Bringing as an example a mall that was about to be demolished, but instead refurbished into a modern context. Vaporwave has helped me creatively in this same sense as it not only helps me to relax but to also analyze what I am doing throughout the work. As most of the vaporware songs are taken from old 80s songs, I jump back and forth through memories, aiding me to focus on how to make an assignment better.

MACINTOSH PLUS is the epitome of Vaporwave music.
  • Nostalgia trip guaranteed

  • Creativity boost

  • Anxiety reliever

For example, throughout writing this last paragraph I jumped back to some sentences that could have been better and scrapped some that were just too much, all while listening to this 24/7 Vaporwave radio on YouTube.

06: Soul Rock

Also referred to as Psychedelic rock is known to reduce anxiety, and not only that but one can reflect on oneself when listening to this genre while being happy about how upbeat songs can be. Much as its name suggests, this form of rock goes straight into your soul and makes you positive on your day. This article from describes this. And, I find Soul Rock to be perfect for getting in a good mood and remaining positive through a week like the FINALS WEEK.

Mordechai vinyl by Khruangbin

  • Bring up that positive mood

  • Perfect for reflective situations

  • Stress reliever

I met this sort of music thanks to the music trio, Khruangbin, and their album Mordechai, where you could find me just vibing to this album while writing a 20-page essay last semester (got a 70/100, mediocre but I passed).

05: Sovietwave

No, I am not a communist. Getting that out of the way, this synthwave-like subgenre is incredible. This is what I think the Soviet Union would sound like if they ever achieved that ''soviet dream''. I couldn't find a better quote that describes the Sovietwave than this sentence from a ''Sovietwave makes all the historic Soviet propaganda & Communist utopia aspects apolitical and aesthetically attractive through its strong nostalgic feelings.'' There's simply some attraction to the Soviet Union that I just didn't know I had. This is not only thanks to this musical genre but to the culture during that period. Science, technology, everything to achieve a dream. How does this relate to study and FINALS WEEK? In simple terms, I just love this genre and it does help me to remain positive about achieving my dreams. When listening to Russian artists like PRNRML or ППК, I cannot stop thinking of the stars and completing the assignment to achieve my dream.

  • Nostalgia trip guaranteed (if you are Russian or attracted to this culture)

  • For the dreamers

  • For historians trying to ease the stress of being a... historian

04: Classical

You can't never go wrong with the classics. It has come to a common consensus that just listening to one of the classics like Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, or Tchaikovsky can give one some form of brain power. And for good reason, I have noticed how focused I can be when listening to The Nutcracker. In this Hylton Performing Arts Center post they describe how classical music can increase brain power and efficiency. It is also the favorite for doctors to give their patients during their healing process. It can also reduce blood pressure, so it's no wonder why my mother used to play classical music during her pregnancy back when I was waiting for my brother to be born. I am sure that during my first 10 months of being born, I could know Vivaldi's Seasons Spring. It has also been proven that classical music helps to develop the brain of babies. So if classical music is perfect, why is it not in the number one spot? Because this top is playing favorites (my favorites).

  • Enhanced focus

  • Perfect for healing periods

  • Stress and anxiety reliever

03: Synthwave

Perhaps one of the most popular genres in recent years. Synthwave has been recognized to evoke feelings of nostalgia for a time that many didn't exactly experience. Many listeners have assured that synthwave music has helped them to overcome anxiety. According to this article by, it explains that because of the dream-like vibe that one can perceive from listening to synthwave is simply perfect for relaxation and meditation. For me, synthwave is perfect to have in the background when doing homework as it makes me feel relaxed and thanks to it I can focus on what I am doing.

  • Helps to overcome anxiety

  • Perfect for relaxation and Meditation

  • Enhanced focus

02: Ambient

This may be the perfect and the go-to genre to put in the background when studying and focusing. According to this Spotlight On article, ambient music can also help you improve sleep quality and enhance focus. Because ambient music is meant to play in the background it has also served and helped to relax the atmosphere of the room. This is because ambient music tends to be repetitive something perfect to hide in the background and make one relax throughout their activities.

  • Improve sleep quality

  • Enhanced focus

  • Stress and anxiety reliever

For me, I constantly like to listen to the Minecraft Soundtrack as it is perfect when I am doing things like work assignments.

01: Lo-Fi

I was debating on putting ambient or classical in this first spot. But, the impact of Lo-Fi in the last four years has been incredible. Much like other genres from this list, Lo-Fi is known to be a stress reliever, and perfect to enhance focus, according to an article from Best Collages. With good reason, the majority of college students have listened to one of the many varieties that Lo-Fi has to offer. I simply cannot resume the impact that this musical genre has had on students. There's a variety of topics that Lo-Fi has to offer, from Medieval to Western settings, this genre has everything to offer and is perfect for almost every situation. So yes, I must say that thanks to this genre I have been able to pull some good grades and even if I am not working on assignments, this genre is great to put a chill mood.

  • Helps to overcome almost everything (I am being serious)

  • Perfect for meditation and setting a positive yet chill mood

  • Enhance focus to 100% (don't quote me on that)


I hope this small top has helped you to choose what you will listen to these next few weeks. And you don't have to listen to me, maybe you may listen to other musical genres like country or heavy metal. But if you end up testing one of these genres during your FINALS WEEKS, make sure to come back to this post and tell me your experience. I would love to read through your comment and see if this has helped at all.

Anyway, thank you for reading and I wish you good luck in that annoying exam or project.

댓글 4개

Emalie Hames
Emalie Hames
2023년 11월 18일

Personally, I listen to animal crossing music while I study, I'm not sure which category that would fit in to 😅. Maybe this finals season I will expand my horizons


michelle lópez
michelle lópez
2023년 11월 17일

I really enjoyed this post, Jorge! I love music but even more now knowing it can help me get through finals week. Such a great post! :)


2023년 11월 17일

Really cool article, great time for a post like this with finals coming up. I think music helps a lot of people so it's could to pint point some of the genres. Thanks for sharing.


Jen England
Jen England
2023년 11월 14일

There's such a variety here, I feel like most folks can find something they would like or would like to try out (for me, that's Vaporwave). Reduce anxiety✔️ Increase creativity✔️ Embrace nostalgia✔️


Writing for the Web

a blog collective by ENGL 315 at New Mexico State University

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