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Computer Typing vs. Paper & Pencil

Emery Medeiros

Within the Science and Technology topic I like to use word documents and other websites to write stories and other stuff. I always liked to use my computer to write rather than write on paper. By using my computer to write I can write stories much faster than when I wrote on paper. I can also think of more stuff to write about by staying on the computer because I can look on another link to find more inspiration and ideas. With the computer I can create a slideshow that can help shape any story I decide to write. I believe that helps because I can go back to the slideshow when I am writing. By doing that I could think of more stuff to write and what to base it on. I was able to realize that I wanted to become an author in the future by writing on my computer instead of paper.

By using the computer I also do not have to throw away any trash like if I were to be writing on paper. It also helped me become more creative to make more stories and other kinds of documents. Also, by using a computer it becomes easier to write in many other places that I would not have been able to with just paper. And since I would not be using a pencil to write, I know I would not have to sharpen or get a new pencil to keep writing. I would be able to keep writing without having to stop. It would also be harder to lose the story or document by using a computer than some pieces of paper. By using the computer instead of paper and pencil I could help save the planet because I would not be throwing anything away. Unlike on paper, I could put in GIF pictures and/or videos in the computer document. My hands would not hurt as much by using a computer rather than using paper and a pencil. I would be able to write for a much longer time using a computer rather than paper and a pencil. By using a computer, there would not be a chance of ripping or staining the page like it could by using paper. With the computer if I misspell a word it would catch it and fix it. As well as help reword a sentence if there is a better way to reword it. I could also change the way the words look (like the font, font size, and spacing) with a computer. With those kinds of applications I was able to learn how to write better, which would not have happened as well or quickly if I was just using paper and pencil.

9 comentários

08 de set. de 2023

I think technology is cool in this aspect too. I could not imagine writing the essays I did last semester on paper. But also, I think typing has made us a little more prone to procrastination, because now we don't have to plan when to turn things in, just to get them uploaded by the due date. Cursive, I think at least, is really cool, and I really hope it doesn't become a lost art.


Griselda G
Griselda G
08 de set. de 2023

Perspective on what it really means to utilize technology truly broadens your horizons, and I for one hadn't even thought about typing essays vs on paper. I have found myself writing small notes here and there on paper, and when I revisit the small notes, they make no sense. However on word document I can easily go back to notes where I can add more notes or edit, and get it done within a couple minutes compared to writing the notes by hand. I thank you for bringing this to my attention as I now bear in mind that I do more with technology than just reading historical manhwas.


08 de set. de 2023

I thought you made some great point on how it is so much easier to write with computers. There is so much more you can do and at a faster pace. It helps with overall efficiency in a lot of ways.


07 de set. de 2023

I agree with you 100%. It sometimes feels like my thoughts are going to fast for me to write. So being able to type fast allows me to get things done much faster. Thank you for sharing!


Raquel Burris
Raquel Burris
07 de set. de 2023

I like your take on it, you do bring up good points on the environmental aspects. But the benefits that I get from writing on paper for me is worth it. I find myself remembering a lot more whenever I take notes on paper, and not to mention my wrists are not killing me.


Writing for the Web

a blog collective by ENGL 315 at New Mexico State University

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