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Culture and Entertainment; The Backbone of America

sarah taylor

Culture and entertainment in the United States is huge. As for culture, there are so many different varieties of it in the United States, I think that we are the biggest melting pot besides Canada.

Culture brings people together and especially in ways of teaching others about their culture. Entertainment is essential to American life, everything revolves around it and you constantly hear references to movies, music, shows everywhere.

Entertainment also brings people together, as it has with me, especially a specific band. I have friends I’ve had for years because we all love Modest Mouse on a Facebook group.

Culture is how a nation lives, has social norms, food they eat, etc. Culture is a big one for me, I love learning about different cultures and feel closer with the ones who show me it. I try to understand everything from their point of view, and a lot of it is very interesting; I feel like it expands your mind.

Learning about different cultures is very important learning about our fellow humans all over the earth, it’s always a positive thing. It’s always interesting to hear where people came from, their traditions, what they struggle with, what their home country was like, how they feel about moving to America, and so much more. America is great with cultural differences, (mostly in major cities instead of rural areas or small towns), it’s the foundation of this country, being a huge melting pot of different cultures.

There is every kind of temple of worship all through the fifty states and we only have more people from different countries and cultures coming to America, as we have since it was founded. Having respect for different cultures, having cultural sensitivity, and minimizing stereotypes are very important in our country, it’s something I’ve always abided by.

Again, learning different cultures expands your mind and that’s very important. Most people love food from different cultures, and I’m a huge foodie! Other people learn different languages, which I’m trying to do for my degree. Understanding different cultures allows you to be more open, accepting, and tolerant of other people.

The biggest culture shock I’ve ever had was moving to El Paso. I’m from the Detroit suburbs which is diverse but if there wasn’t a border wall between El Paso and Juarez then I couldn’t tell the difference. I moved to El Paso two years ago and I was shocked at the Spanish culture here and I had to learn a lot of words and traditions of the Mexican people to even understand a lot of the things out here. I knew that El Paso was right on the border of Mexico, but I really didn’t have any idea that it was 81% Hispanic! The most Mexican area that I remember was Mexican town in Southwest Detroit. My boyfriend, (who is from El Paso and is Hispanic), and I went to Mexican town when visiting Detroit, and compared to El Paso the food was terrible! I now know what a treasure El Paso truly is. Learning the Spanish culture has expanded my mind, as the Arabic culture expanded my mind in Michigan.

Entertainment is defined as pretty much anything that gives you amusement or enjoyment. The purpose of entertainment is… you guessed it, Entertaining. Entertainment brings people together and makes people forget about the stressfulness of life fade for a little bit. Entertainment is very important for most people, as it is for me.

Television shows and movies are also huge for me, I love referencing them out in public and seeing who gets it. Entertainment gives most people pleasure and delight. Whatever people find interesting that captures their attention and focus is considered entertainment. Entertainment differs from person to person and differentiating in cultures around the world. Entertainment is what people live for and always look forward to, especially during a long hard day.

Entertainment is very big for me as well, I have work and school, but I always find time for my television shows, podcasts, books, or music. My favorite band is Modest Mouse, and the group I mentioned earlier is a Modest Mouse group. They’ve been my favorite band since I was in middle school and when I turned eighteen, I got a Modest Mouse tattoo on my arm. My love for Modest Mouse connected me with a lot of new friends and close relationships that I am so thankful I have.

Television shows have also helped me form bonds with people, especially when you can see them get very excited over just talking about it. When you meet people who have the same passion for a type of entertainment that you do, it usually makes you bond with the other person and as I’ve found, cuts out awkwardness. There are very many groups on Facebook and websites of the social media variety that are bringing people together over similar entertainment interests every single day.

Overall, entertainment and culture have, for me at least, shaped me as a person. I’ve learned a lot from popular entertainment as I have learned from one of my favorites, “Aerial America.” When something causes you amusement and enjoyment, it is always great to share that similar interest or even helping someone discover it. Entertainment releases endorphins that make you feel a lot better when you participate in entertaining or fun activities.

Culture and entertainment intertwine so much, especially in American entertainment. When I’m watching Netflix or Hulu it’s always the American television shows that are the most diverse. Culture has affected me in so many ways, I’ve been traveling around North America for the past two years and I’ve been all around the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Seeing different countries and cultures has expanded my mind and makes me want to travel everywhere, especially Europe and southeast Asia. Culture is so important to be open minded about and appropriate about since people could take a lot of jokes and other things as offensive.

I think that culture has affected me in great ways, allowing me to open my mind and see things from a different cultural point of view. It is also comforting to be around your own culture with your family doing things that your culture does.

Entertainment is something that most people enjoy and there is a pleura of different entertainment sources, so it’s nice to find people that enjoy your preferred entertainment source. I think that culture and entertainment enrich the mind and bring people closer together.


Sep 08, 2023

Entertainment is a huge thing for America. I completely agree with you that it has greatly impacted the United States. Great post, thank you for it.


Jorge Fonseca
Jorge Fonseca
Sep 06, 2023

I find it interesting how people outside the American culture have reacted. I am from Mexico, I live in Juarez every weekend when I am not at NMSU, and I have seen a variety of opinions regarding American culture. Regarding movies, TV shows, and most importantly the ideas behind this culture. The majority of them are criticizing how liberal the U.S. has become in the last decade and the majority seems troubling to see topics like LGBT+ on movies and TV shows. Of course, the majority are from folks who grew up with a different mindset, still, the majority of U.S. content is heavily criticized regarding these topics. My point here is that well, not everyone welcomes cultures that are…


michelle lópez
michelle lópez
Sep 06, 2023

Amazing! I agree with you 100%. I would argue that it is the biggest melting pot and that's why I love it it here so much; because of all the different cultures that have been brought here. The BEST thing is getting to experience culture through food WHILE watching entertainment so definitely love those blissful moments where the two get to intertwine. Definitely one of the greatest enjoyment is when you share common interests with someone else and you feel connected to them. It is definitely the backbone.


Kae Hamrick
Sep 06, 2023

I recently had the opportunity to expand my views and interact with other cultures during my study abroad! I got to learn about Australian Culture and Korean Culture as two of my roommates were from Korea! I like how you discussed that there are so many different varieties in American Culture. While abroad I got to learn how other cultures viewed America and it was quite interesting as most of their experiences with American Culture were based on entertainment, since most of the world's entertainment stems from America. I really enjoyed reading your post and agree that culture and entertainment are a great way to bring others together!


Emalie Hames
Emalie Hames
Sep 03, 2023

The broad topic of culture and entertainment is so rich, and I love the way you encapsulated it. I looooove your point about experiencing cultures through food- I feel the same way!


Writing for the Web

a blog collective by ENGL 315 at New Mexico State University

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