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Fix your life with Podcasts

Raquel Burris

If we really look into podcasts, they can provide so much value and knowledge for people. The amount of wisdom that the older generation can give to the younger is very necessary, especially when they may not have the best role models at home. But one of my biggest complaints specifically is with Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. With all social media platforms, there is an algorithm that pushes specific content to people who are going to watch that content. There is a specific niche for all viewers and all creators to make and watch content. But there is also a growing issue with high-choice media environments like this.

The main issue: Because of the set up many people aren't able to access other choices of media very easily, which means a lot of people aren't even educated on the important events around the world that are happening. This is very bad because without people being educated, the focus tends to center around other problems that aren't even the biggest problems. This creates a divide between the people putting us against each other, because we don't know about the bigger issues we start to focus on smaller things that don't really have an impact on our humanity as a whole. This also leads people into what some experts call a filter bubble. Leading people to only think in their opinions and very rarely seek out other sources to disprove their beliefs. This involves cognitive dissonance from the truth of their choices and opinions. Human beings are very weird in that way, when our behaviors do not sit well with us, we have a couple of options. We can either stop the behavior upfront, change our beliefs to support the behavior, or ignore the evidence against our actions that cause us stress.

The Good Part: Although there are some social media platforms that are heavily based on high-choice media which lets people stay within their comfort range and hardly select other genres or content, there's also the flipside. This flipside being places like Snapchat, it could possibly relate to Instagram and Twitter depending on who you're following but the algorithms on Instagram are very strong and many people have been complaining about not even seeing the posts from the people that they choose to follow. When you have friends on platforms you're often exposed to posts and beliefs that they share online or through posts that they like. Not only is this just a good thing because it broadens your vision between two topics, and events, but also it's more influential coming from someone that you care about as a friend. If we hear it from a friend rather than an unfamiliar news source that we don't trust, it's easier to digest because if someone you like who passes your good Samaritan test trusts it, you may open up to it more easily.

This randomness that you get from following people is actually good. It takes you out of the bubble that you're often looped in, so you get exposed to new ideas which makes your brain think a little bit. Sometimes you may believe that you're in the right but, you may see a source that seems very reliable that has a very different opinion. This is a great thing to challenge yourself to see if you're open enough to accept new ideas and beliefs.

The curious thing about the internet is that if you look you will find it. The war currently going on in Palestine and Israel is really becoming a popular topic. This is an amazing thing, a lot of people are not concerned with news like this because they don't think it affects their daily life. But war does affect all of us, and learning about current events only makes us smarter. It can challenge us to see the opposite of what the media pushes, and podcasts can make the biggest difference. Podcasts help push ideas, and they can really create a deeper understanding for the public who don't necessarily read books, newspapers, and online articles. I have learned about this war mostly from podcasts, and a few news articles. But the majority has come from watching podcasts and videos from people explaining the situation. They are able to record the events, in real time. But with the internet, we now can see the real deal. It is so easy to reach people and share these crazy events, and the people attached to them.

Life Relationships/ Love:

Podcasts have the ability to change the way you move through your love life, to help you learn what real love is. These podcasts especially if taught through professionals in psychology, marriage counselors, and divorce attorneys, can lead to better relationships. We have to be weary we let our ears listen in because so many people are broken and are not looking for your best interest at heart. That is why listening to people who have it together and have no motive besides possible money is great to learn from.

Dieting/ Healthy Living:

A lot of people want to make a change in their diets, because they may not be happy with their current lifestyle, and eating habits. So they want to make a change, but it can be difficult to do all on your own. If you are getting advice from people who care for their bodies, it can really help you to reach your goals. I listen to people who make recipes, and food at home but just ten times simpler. Watching podcasts and YouTube has taught me so many new recipes to make at home. My comfort space is closer to Mexican food/ white food. However, I always wanted to learn about other cultures and try to expand my taste pallet. So watching videos makes the learning process simple, and you can pause the video and go back and forth.

Religion/ Peace:

This is more of a niche topic, and a lot of people decide later on in life after they were raised a certain way what they choose to believe. My personal belief is people wait too long to realize the truth and end up regretting it. But there are a lot of people who are raised in a non-religious household or let's say religious household and end up feeling a different way once they have their own ability to gather their own information for themselves. So I think that accessing podcasts and hearing what other people have to say about religion is a really good way to help build your knowledge and start to believe in something like a higher power. With religion comes peace because we realize that we are only humans in the small tiny world of the entire universe.

There needs to be change within the algorithm for sure, but if you as a viewer look into a person's background, what they stand for, and what they are trying to gain. There is a really good chance you can gain some very beneficial knowledge that might help to improve your life satisfaction. Everyone with access to a phone can post their beliefs, but this also works to the opposite side of being able to access education more easily. This is truly something to be grateful for, we just have to remember to scroll with caution. Believe that there is good out there while being cautious of the bad as well.


Griselda G
Griselda G

I love your topic of podcasts however I am not a person who listens to them but in a way I do because of people who read stories on tiktoks. I usually keep to myself but when it comes to Reddit stories? consider me present because it is the best kind of chisme to hear people be awful, and hearing how the bad people get humbled. I live and breathe for it, but also there are the horror topic kind of storytelling which is something I am also interested in.



I occasionally listen/watch podcasts. But I sometimes feel that they can be just as dangerous at sharing misinformation as social media.



I have heard a lot about how watching podcasts can truly improve your life, but have not actually watched any. When I do go online to look for information I usually look at articles on websites that I often use. Although I will always double check by checking another website to make sure it has the same kind of information the first one does. Maybe I can try a podcast when I have enough time to though.


Jen England
Jen England

My brain always jumps straight to true crime podcasts, which are fascinating but can also be incredibly harmful. Like Esveiry commented, this is good reminder of the breadth and depth of podcasts and that there are countless helpful ones available on a range of issues/topics.



I love listening to my podcasts during my commute to the Las Cruces campus. The best part of podcasts is the variety. There are ones for books, for specific fandoms, for true-crime, for news, for casual talks, etc. I think the variety makes podcasts more entertaining. Recently, I also have been keeping up with the Palestine conflict through podcasts and hearing about their analysis of the situation.


Writing for the Web

a blog collective by ENGL 315 at New Mexico State University

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