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A Midsemester's Night Out


Alcohol Safety is one of the most misunderstood but important topics a person can educate themselves about. With Alcohol being something that is super prevalent in society and oftentimes equated with a fun night out, things can easily get out of hand simply because people weren't taught the right information about alcohol. It's fun to go out for a night with friends but there is also a right way and more importantly, a safe way to do it.

Before I explain going any further it's best to explain what alcohol actually is and what it’s doing to your body. Alcohol itself is a fermented drink that is ingested and then absorbed into your bloodstream. The alcohol then affects your brain by slowing the communication of nerve cells acting as a depressant in your body. Alcohol also dampens glutamine which is known as the excitory neurotransmitter in your brain. This is why people feel sluggish or gain slurred speech after consuming larger amounts of alcohol.

Despite being mind-blown about the effects of alcohol it's important to also realize that alcohol is a part of almost every culture worldwide. The societal role of alcohol is very apparent and there might even be some possible health benefits. According to the article “Alcohol: Balancing Risks and Benefits” published by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health alcohol in some capacity has been seen to help limit the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as prevent type II diabetes. That is not to say there is a plethora of health benefits from drinking though, as even the aforementioned article makes claims about how it’s a risk versus reward situation and that the research is limited.

Regardless of this many people still choose to consume alcohol and it's probably a lot more than you think. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism around 49% of adults ages 18-25 have drank alcohol in the past month and 29.2% had reported binge drinking in the past month according to a survey taken in 2021.

Due to many people consuming alcohol, it's really important to make sure people are properly educated on alcohol safety. For the past two and a half years I’ve been a Resident Assistant at New Mexico State University which means that it has been my job to build a community within the floor of my residence hall. Given that alcohol consumption is something heavily prevalent among college students (or just young adults in general) It’s something that I’ve first hand come into contact with quite a bit. Full transparency that policy enforcement is a portion of my job but another part of it has been to raise awareness and compile resources for alcohol safety. With this, I’ve learned a lot of tips for safe drinking so for those of you of legal age and want to go out here is some helpful information that might be beneficial to you.

  • It should be mentioned first and foremost that you need to follow the law. Different states, counties, or even buildings have different regulations that prevent or restrict the consumption of alcohol based on a variety of factors. Regardless, of anything else the rules and regulations of your physical location should be followed.

  • Make sure to hydrate. It’s basic but most people forget to do it on a daily basis and are even worse during a night out.

  • Try not to rapidly consume alcohol. Rapid consumption devices or just binge drinking in general, can lead to someone overstepping their limit. This can be extremely dangerous as someone can actually suffer from alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning is essentially when a person drinks so much that their brain can no longer function properly and starts to shut down leading to death. If you or anyone you know is suffering from alcohol poisoning immediately call 911.

  • Pay attention to your medications. If you are on absolutely any medication you need to double check how it will react with alcohol. Even over-the-counter medications you wouldn't think about can be dangerous can be dangerous. E.x. Acetimptamin is toxic for your liver but it's your livers job to filter out the alcohol from your system.

  • NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE. There are so many safer alternatives all the way from hitching a ride with a (sober) friend or dishing out a few dollars for an Uber. Depending on your location there could also be a lot of other transportation services available for your area.

  • Eat before drinking. As mentioned alcohol absorbs through the bloodstream and having a meal prior to drinking can help curve how fast the alcohol is getting absorbed.

  • Never leave a drink unattended. Unfortunately, there are some very scary and dangerous people in this world so no matter where you are you always need to make sure you are watching your drink.

  • Choose low ABV drinks. ABV or the alcohol by volume percentage is a good way to manage your alcohol intake. Choosing a lower-ABV drink can help make sure you do not overstep your limit.

Despite alcohol being a possible catalyst for a fun night it's also important to understand that your drinking habits play a large effect on your overall health. Alcohol addiction can be a very difficult thing to overcome but if you struggle with it there are a variety of resources available both locally and nationally. Down below I have listed a few of them.

Aggie Health and Wellness Center - This is available to all NMSU students and they have services for both mental and physical wellness. Their phone number is

(575) 64615-12 or you can find them located at 3080 Breland Dr, Las Cruces, NM 88003

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)- has a confidential hotline that is available 24/7 with different resources. The number to reach them is 1-800-662-HELP (4357)


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Sep 21, 2023

This is a great post! Personally, I try not to drink too often, as one of my health conditions tends to be negatively impacted by it. All the same, this information is helpful for when I’m out with friends or family who might be drinking.


Sep 21, 2023

Hello Reyes,

Great post about the awareness of alcohol.. people really don’t know how scary it is. It’s unfortunate I didn’t read this in my younger years of college. Being 21 now, I understand a lot more than I did then. Thank you for sharing.


sarah taylor
sarah taylor
Sep 21, 2023

Safe drinking is so important, so many people die in heavy alcohol related incidents! I really liked this post.


Sep 20, 2023

It's honestly hard to talk about the effects of alcohol in a way that will be taken seriously. Drinking, especially at a younger age, is normalized and even encouraged by so many people that it's almost impossible to have people engage in the activity safely.


Sep 20, 2023

The way you described alcohol and what it does at the beginning was very short and sweet but very informative; I was especially surprised at the study that it could limit cardiovascular risk as well as prevent Type II Diabetes. Putting the important stuff in bold, like never drink or drive, was a smart move and really drew my attention to the urgency of the advice, and I think it would benefit anyone else coming across this article. The statistics of how many adults consume alcohol also surprised me; this was a very interesting look into alcohol and its effects!

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