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eMoods Wellness Tracker: Log Out of Your Socials and Log Your Day

eMoods Wellness Tracker was created by Yottaram LLC and is an app designed to help track and monitor your moods, health, exercise, and medications. This wellness tracker app was created with the intent of being a simple tool to help you manage your overall well-being, your daily outlook, routines, habits, productivity, depression, anxiety, sleep, nutrition, exercise, medications, substance abuse, and even your overall intake/exposure. All these benefits and tricks to help manage your wellness and health at your own fingertips. Tracking and regulating your wellness using this app not only supports you in rough times, it also helps you develop healthier habits. The app provides graphs and exportable charts, allowing an easier visual of recognizing your triggers and stressors. You are able to view these graphs/exportable charts at any time to begin your journey of building healthier habits and routines. Wellness Tracker even provides access to a printable PDF report at the end of each month for you to show your therapist, caregiver, family or even your friends. Over half of consistent users of eMoods Wellness Tracker have reported a positive and noticeable change in their wellness/behavior. It is strongly recommended that those suffering, and those who have been diagnosed with a mood disorder or multiple mood disorders download/use this app. Wellness Tracker has multiple reviews as one of the best apps on the appstore for those struggling/diagnosed with mood disorders to benefit and adopt healthier ways of living. There is even an in-app option of choosing between a dark color theme and a colorblind-friendly color scheme. If you have concerns regarding privacy reasons, Wellness Tracker will never store any of your personal data in your cloud or to any APIs, unless done so with your own explicit action.

As someone who has personally struggled and battled mental health for a majority of my life, this app was like a breath of fresh air. Attending to your own mental health can be incredibly difficult, especially if you are doing it alone with no help. No support system, no access to therapy/medication, and seemingly having no idea where to even start to begin helping yourself. All these things tied together, plus whatever else you may be going through on top of that, is a recipe for an overwhelming disaster. Now let me reign a reminder, this app was not created with the intent for being the cure to your wellness and health. However, Wellness Tracker gives you the right tools to begin the process of bettering your life and beginning to organize all the steps to do so. Since I personally began using eMoods Wellness Tracker, I have noticed myself building better responses to triggers and regulating my emotions. The logs and charts allow me to pinpoint any specific action/person/object/phrase that may trigger my PTSD. As I begin to make a habit of trading negative behaviors for good ones, I noticed as I implement this app into my life more, I do not need to go out of my way to remember to think positively. I am slowly beginning to naturally practice these behaviors, as in comparison to having to force myself to remember to practice these habits. These moments are rare, but are becoming more familiar by the day. One of the best parts? It is you and only you. There is no need to hide anything, and giving complete transparency on how you are doing to yourself builds better self awareness and strengthens your ability to engage in positive behaviors. So if you are in a bad spot, need to build different routines, need help with mood regulation, diet, exercise routines, download eMoods Wellness Tracker so you can stop surviving and begin thriving.


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5 comentários

17 de nov. de 2023

Great article, I think you made some great point on how to improve your mental and physical health. Not everyone looks into those things but they should. I think tracking your feelings is a good way to help improve them.


Emalie Hames
Emalie Hames
03 de nov. de 2023

I think tracking your mood, feelings, or even just thoughts trough out the day is a great and effective way to take back control and to help figure out what is going well or not well. I might check out this app, I'm sure it can help with grounding yourself.


Jen England
Jen England
03 de nov. de 2023

I used to track my mood/emotions in a hand-written bullet journal when I was first struggling to get correctly diagnosed. I found that helpful but also stressful (as silly as it sounds) because I wanted it to look nice, and I'd end up focused on that instead of what actually mattered. Maybe an app would be a better route for me!


michelle lópez
michelle lópez
02 de nov. de 2023

Wow I didn't know about this. I have a rising cancer (zodiac) so I would like to keep track of my emotions. I do admit, I am emotional so it would be fun and necessary to see if they're all over the place. I do like the idea that you can be completely transparent because there isn't a lot of that these days.

03 de nov. de 2023
Respondendo a

it’s so nice. i’m an aries rising and scorpio moon. lol tells you why i need this app.

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