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Giving Herbal Teas a chance ;)

Raquel Burris

What's the Hype?

Herbal teas, as well as other teas that are soaked in water, contain so many benefits that you may not even know of. They are easy to make and not that expensive either. Many people may even have some of these herbs growing in their own yards. It is a good comparison to coffee, and if made with a reasonable amount of whatever sweetener you choose it can even be healthier. Do not look past this and give them a try.

Look more into this source at:

Different teas: Along with their Benefits

White Tea: Has helped people prevent cancer growths, strengthens teeth enamel, and it's very

low in caffeine.

Herbal Tea: Reduces menstrual pains, relaxation, soothes the stomach, relieves joint pain, and lowers blood pressure.

Green Tea: Reduces blood clots, lowers blood pressure, improves skin acne/ texture, and is high in antioxidants.

Black Tea: Can be placed on cuts to relieve pain, and ease inflammation from poison ivy.

Oolong Tea Benefits: Reduces feelings of anxiety, prevents cognitive diseases, and also has potency from cancer growth.

My experience:

I love drinking tea, I have grown up drinking them with a little scoop of sugar and honey. I have been slacking a little bit lately, and the main thing I have noticed is a lack of energy and a little chubbiness around my stomach. Maybe it's because I have been snacking more but, what I can say for sure is that tea is so delicious, especially around this fall time. Nothing is better than drinking your warm drink, and if I have the choice I choose tea since coffee can stain the teeth. Nice, warm, and relaxing, and you can even add milk depending on how you like it.

Starbucks Orders:

  1. Ombré Pink Drink - Coconut milk & passion tea.

  2. Chai Tea Latte - Nothing added

  3. Passion Cold Buster Tea - passion tea bag, Emperor Cloud & Mist tea bag, and one honey bag

  4. Iced Black Tea

  5. Matcha Latte

  6. Iced Black Tea Lemonade

Starbucks is one way to go if you are a busy bee and don't have time to make your own tea at home. But just so you know... it takes half the amount of time as the traditional method of brewing coffee. Easy and who knows maybe you can get into a little bit of gardening while you are at it. Nothing beats the real deal, and the real deal is free. If you were able to grow them at home and make the tea from your own garden that would surpass anything you could buy in stores.

Notable Brands:

Drinking tea is similar to coffee in the way that not every brand tastes the same. You need to make sure you are getting your money's worth. Some good quality brands are Art of Tea, Guayakí, Yogi, and Organic India.

Not every company is created equally so it is nice to choose quality brands, but Albertsons, Target, and Walmart all have a wide collection of quality teas in-store too if that is how you prefer to shop. There is a different flavor for every person out there, so give them a try and find out which one best suits your taste palette. I really like going to the Starbucks at the local mall and stopping by to see if they bring in any new additions to the Harney & Sons tea collections. Those are some of my favorite teas, they are also high quality, and have a variety of loose-leaf teas that just melt straight into your warm mug and make the whole room smell good. They are also very nice because of the cute metal containers that they come in I reuse them to fill with crayons, small earrings, and necklaces, and I have one that is filled with loose change.

My personal Favorite: is Blueberry Green by Harney & Sons.


Griselda G
Griselda G
Oct 20, 2023

The subject of tea itself, but still going a step further is very aesthetic which I love despite me avoiding drinking tea but only hearing the tea. However, I think I might give drinking tea another chance seeing as there's a lot of benefits involved. I might even have tea while hearing the tea the way that Kermit did.


Jen England
Jen England
Oct 19, 2023

Seeing the different benefits for these teas was really interesting! I admit I'm weird about hot/warm beverages, but I do like iced tea. I should do a better job drinking more tea and less soda. It's hard 😅


Oct 18, 2023

Your information about tea was amazing, although I am not a big fan of drinking any tea. I found it very interesting on what the different types of teas (black, herbal, green, etc.) can do for your health though. Maybe when I go to Starbucks again I may try one.


Kae Hamrick
Oct 18, 2023

I love tea! This article has me craving a Chai Tea Latte! I used to dislike coffee until recently and would often get teas to drink. (I will definitely be ordering those Starbucks drinks in the future!) Dutchbros has good tea options too and they are very cheap compared to Starbucks!


Oct 17, 2023

I love to drink herbal and green teas, just plain and not flavored. I mainly get mine from the local Asian store in my town, and I get East Asian brands. Currently trying out Chinese dark tea, and it is great, but my favorite is Japanese Sencha. I highly recommend it. I do want to note that black tea can sometimes stain teeth. My little brother used to drink black tea every morning, and it stained his teeth because of the high tannin content.


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a blog collective by ENGL 315 at New Mexico State University

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