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Is Multitasking Really Healthy?

Emery Medeiros

What is Multitasking?

Multitasking is when someone is doing more than one or two tasks at a time or switching between more than one task. Like reading something while walking to a destination or washing the dishes while watching TV. Doing more than one task at a time can be a good thing, but also can be a bad thing. Finding ways to control your multitasking is what you can find in this article.

Babysitting while working on the computer

What is Good About Multitasking?

Most people will say that multitasking is a good way to get things done. By doing more than one task at the same time (like babysitting and doing your homework), you can get tasks done faster. With these results you can have more time to do other things like go to a party or just watch TV. But, this is not the actual case.

What is Bad About Multitasking?

Research shows that multitasking is really bad for our health, especially for our brain. The website states that by multitasking you are actually reducing your attention, overall performance, and other things. It is said that by multitasking you are actually slowing yourself down rather than speeding yourself up. By multitasking frequently the focus in your brain changes and can become a problem in the future. You can also become more stressed out by doing more than one task at a time. Your grades could drop in school as well if you are trying to do more than one task at a time, because you really are not focusing on either assignment like you should be. Productivity can also slow down or become very bad when doing more than one task at a time.

How to Stop or Control Your Multitasking

Now there is also some research that says light/medium multitasking is alright, just do not do any heavy multitasking. Some ways to control this is by time switching between tasks, like every twenty or thirty minutes. Or by limiting the distractions you have when doing something, like not having your phone with you or staying in a quiet area. This way you can stay focused on one task at a time and get them done in a good way. If you know you can do one task at a time without having to multitask, then make sure you do it and keep yourself healthy. When you start thinking about doing more than one task at the same time, remember that you are about to jeopardize your brain's health and should only do one task at a time.

My Thought About Multitasking

In my opinion multitasking is not a big of a deal, but after reading the article on the website I realized how serious it can get. Now I see that I should watch how much multitasking I should really do in life. Doing one task at a time is a better option than doing multiple tasks at once. So I will remember that in the future and try to only do one task at a time from now on. If I am going to multitask then I should limit myself on how much I do at a time. Like do not do five tasks at a time, because that could stress me out and damage my brain. If I am to multitask then I should only do two or three tasks at a time, so that I can still stay healthy as well as keep what I am doing in a good form. When I do really think about it, there is no real need for multitasking. Doing one task at a time will make the outcome of my work much better than when I do more than one task at a time.

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6 則留言

Jen England
Jen England

Hi Emery! I left you a note about your post in Canvas so be sure to check that out.


Griselda G
Griselda G

Multi-tasking in general seems like a hassle because it feels like you're doing two things or more at the same time but not being as receptive to either of the things you're doing. I do feel like there should be certain exceptions though such as killing two birds with one stone, and I think that only applies when it has to do with what you're already doing. If you're having to go out of your way to do two different things then that's when it feels unproductive on either tasks you're doing.


Kae Hamrick

I'm a big multi-tasker, it feels like it's the only way for me to accomplish tasks most of the time. I hop between activities regularly, especially when it comes to doing different homework assignments. This article is very helpful in describing why this is not a good thing. I sometimes think I have undiagnosed ADHD, but maybe I have been multi-tasking for too long and just need to fix the way I do things.



I multi-task all the time, but not intentionally. I usually start on one thing, and realize I have to do something lese, and decide to work on that as well, and then another thing pops up. Honestly I find it that I take more time completing anything if I'm doing multiple things at once, instead of focusing on just one thing. But, can't really fix it; my brain is just like that.



I am the absolute worst at multi tasking. I find it to be so distracting. I like to focus my efforts on one take before moving on the another. I do envy people who are able to multitask efficiently.

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